International Tree Day:

International Tree Day:

International Tree Day:

Populating an urban area with plants and trees to make it healthier and green seems like an impossible task, but with the help of suitable building means it is not.

The first phase to be faced for the repopulation of an urban area with plants and greenery is the evaluation of the size of the area itself and consequently the choice of suitable trees derives: the larger the area to be covered, the larger the trees and the greater the need to use appropriate means for the treedigging, in this regard we introduce the treedigger on rubber tracks, tracked vehicle optimal for planting trees for transplantation. This crawler is equipped with a vibrating blade able to cut the ground below the roots of trees buried in order to unearth them and plant them again in a different place from the place of origin, without creating damages to the roots of the plant allowing it to take root easily in its new location.

Very practical and easy to use, it is impossible to think that we face a challenge such as the creation of an urban forest in Milan without the help of crawlers that allow a quick and optimal removal of the trees at the nursery, with the aim of re-planting it to populate an urban area suffocated by smog. Stefano Boeri is not frightened at all by the huge number of trees to be planted, on the contrary, as promoter of the Milanese green initiative he says: "To those who ask me if it is not madness I answer that if in the next ten years every inhabitant of the metropolitan area planted a tree, we would have achieved the result. I saw the same scepticism when we proposed the nowadays famous Bosco Verticale (Vertical Woods), which now is copied all over the world".

This is what the "ForestaMi" project is about: the creation of a new green lung for the Milanese capital, with the aim of eliminating the high levels of smog and fine dust present in the air. Specifically, this green project, conceived by Stefano Boeri, creator of the Milanese “Vertical Forest”, has the objective of planting about 2.5 million new trees, so as to reach a total number of 3 million plants within the next 10 years. The ecological enterprise will take place in 6 macro-passages:

  1.      + 100 thousand trees between November 2019 and March 2020
  2.      Remediation of former disused railway stations
  3.      +400 thousand trees by 2022
  4.      + 20 new parks
  5.      2 million trees in total by 2026
  6.      3 million trees in total in 2030
