An all-purple CASE CX60C mini-excavator.

It was during the second wave of Covid-19 that the French doctors of the "Ligue contre le cancer" raised a loud alarm: the delays in the treatment of cancer patients is reaching too high levels, we must intervene promptly!
And it is precisely on hearing this sad news that TPI Location, the rental division of Case dealer Centre Matériel Général, has taken action with a project called "La pelle du cœur": a project that provides for a fundraising entirely for cancer research through the rental of a CASE CX60C mini-excavator, which has been painted completely in purple, the color that represents all cancers in France.
For several years now, TPI Location has been partnering with local associations and organizations to support charitable actions and projects. In this specific case, each time the machine is rented, TPI Location donates part of the rental fee to the Jean Perrin Center in Clermont-Ferrand, one of the 20 French centers dedicated to oncological research.
From its creation date, 1989, to today, the TPI company has grown and expanded in the Burgundy and Auvergne territories.
"With the opening of the Clermont-Ferrand branch, we realized that the fact that we had grown morally obliged us to act for a cause that affects everyone in one way or another. That's why we thought of supporting cancer research. And, since our employees and customers are mostly men, we came up with an initiative to raise awareness for the prevention of male cancers, which affect 7 out of every 100,000 men each year. The number of cases is increasing every year in Western countries and we believe there is a lack of awareness about the importance of prevention of these diseases in our community. That's why we want to mobilize this November to join the Movember movement and launch our charity initiative that will run for several months," explains Marie-Hélène Bernard, president of Centre Matériel Général and TPI Location.
This all-purple excavator is therefore a symbol of the fight against cancer, and noticing it on the construction site will help us all remember how important prevention is.